My first week as dad

Couple of days before my child was born, everthing was as usual. We use to wait-notice & get exicted with baby kicks, used to hear meledious music which our child could later relate to. My wife Nupur also made sure that she make child hear relegious chants like OM and other mantras which gives strength and releoligous thoughts.on 31st may,

We went for weekly checkup. This visit was special. We knew that Doctor would physicaly examin child and tell us a tentative date of delevery with in two or three weeks. Our baby was due to be born on 18th june. If this happens my dad and baby would share same DOB. It was 2 pm when our turn came to see doctor.

After physical examination doctor was not impressed with our child's size. She suggested to get NST test done. This physical examination was Nupur's first and she was in pain. NST is done after meal. So we had our lunch normally and got the test done. The results were not satisfactory,

Our doctor who used be happy and satisfied with our child's progress now wanted Nupur to get admitted. We were to repeat the same NST test after dinner. We were told that if the report does'nt improve we might have to plan early delivery. We were obviously worred but Our doctor Asha Sharma ji, told us that baby has completed term and for normal delivery this would be ideal, good for both mother and child. completly unprepared for admition left me confused, I remember signals of Tata were absurd that day. This tensed the otherwise simple tele con into complicated one. After many tries when my parents knew what we were advised to do. We got go ahead to admit Nupi. After some forms and formalities nupur was prep'd for admition. she had to remove all the jewellery and change into hospital gown. A funny thing happened after nupur changed her attire. Nurse wanted me to get nail paint remover. I went pillar to pillar in search of nail paint remover, but could not find one. After several minutes when i returned with dispointment on my face, nurse just laughed and picked a bottle from her purse. That was funny.

More funny was to see nupi coming out on wheel chair with attendent. Nupi was telling attendent "i can walk, i can walk dear" but the attendent wouldent let her walk. Other then this It was a genral day for both me and my wife with minor ups and down.

Nupur was admited in first stage center by 5 pm. At this center NST for labour paitents is done. Being standing with her in visiting hours ment to see women in big and bigger sizes going in OT and comming back with todders

I went home and picked up mom. It was 6 pm by now. We reached hospital by 6.45 and mom and wify nupi some chit chat. By 7 pm visitors time was over.

Mom and me, we waited outside first stage center in anticipation that if the test comes good, we might go home.

At 10.45 pm the Nst result came and it was perfect. We requested doctor to reliver nupi and let us go. But the docyor on duty said nupi need to be observed over night and asked us to sign LAMA if we want to over rule her advice.

This long day was far from over. We could not do anything else but to follow her advice.

My mom is asthmetic and is alergic to dust. While waiting for nupi in wating hall she was breathibg effortlessly. This was not usual as mom was not doing fine for couple of days. This was a welcome sight. After such long day watching mom improve just made my day better.

Dad was out of station and Mom decided to stayed back with us for night. It was around 12.30 am when wify was finaly shifted to room.

The room was dusty initially as it was not occupied for some days.
After shifting we were told that we can go home after Asha Ji sign disctarge sheet in morning. I went home while mummy stayed with Nupur.

End of day one-

After reaching hospital early in morning. I got to know that mom's night was not peaceful. I felt bad about my decision of letting her stay. I relived mom and was with wify soon Asha madam came she briefed us that though the test came good, she would preffer Nupur to deliver baby in 24 to 48 hrs. The baby was fully developed, this delivery schedule would leave baby less stressed and since all the tests were done already it would be good idea to induce artifical pains and start labour.
We again consulted with elders. After concerns were addreased we decided to go ahead and upgraded our room as the stay was going to be longer then anticipayed. My father came back by 10 am to city.Nupur was monitored and prepared for delivery.

I clicked nupur's picture with belly for the last time. After that my father and mother came to relive me. Nupur wanted to see my sister mitushi. Mitu was getting ready for hospital and after reaching home at 7 pm i dropped her to metro station. while she was on her way to hospital. I took shower.
Instead of using car or metro i trusted my bike for faster commuting.
by the time i was on my way back it was already past 8 pm.

At 8 pm Nupi was declared fit for inducing pain and shifted from our room. Luckly mitu reached in time and was able to meet nupur.
I still remember nupur used to ask me to stay with her when she would be in pain. I obviously felt bad that i could not make it in time. After reaching hospital i made many attempts to meet nupi. After knowing that visitors are not allowed to meet paitents in there my heart sank.

The day ahead was very long. We were not allowed to see nupur. Every minute that passed seemed like hour.

For me i was stressed and tensed but it was normal to be ,
On One side my fear to rush wify in pain was gone & on other side guilt feeling of not being on her side was making me feel low. tonight mitushi my sister decided to stay back at hoapital.

Pains were induced at 10 pm and nupur was expected to have contarctions by 1 - 2 pm. Dr Asha ji told us that nupur is doing good. In anticipation of filfilling my promise to nupur. I asked mitu to goinside labour room and be with nupi. Mitushi being Dr and and intern of this hospital could tweak inside. But once inside labour room she heared loud / painful cry of nupi. She did manage to see nupi and console. But the pain was so severe that it hardly helped me. Mitu came back crying and scolded me for sending her inside labour room.

To be continued....


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